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Helping you make smarter financial decisions to achieve your goals for now and into the future.

Smarter Financial Decisions


Your Wealth


Your Wealth

Transfer Your Wealth

to Family/Others

Protect Your





My name is Steve

Having been in this industry for 33 years, I have gone through all of the ups and downs and come out on the other side with plenty of useful knowledge, experience and fond memories. 


Who is Steve? 

I have lived a content life with my wife Annie and 5 kids who have now all scarpered, leaving us in an empty nest with our two cats Baxter and Sophie. I became Tertiary qualified through the University of Waikato and became a financial adviser because I believe money is important and I have truly found that I get a kick out of watching client net worth grow. Passive income allows you more time to spend in your happy place, whatever that might be. 


I believe that if we improve NZ’s financial literacy, we will be able to make smarter financial decisions, enabling financial freedom, less stress & more time with loved ones.

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After many years without financial planning, we realised we had to start thinking about the future.
We really didn’t have much money in the bank, although we both had a good salary.

As if he heard my thoughts, Steve contacted me and invited us to come by and have a free consultation about our current financial situation and future plans. We sat down with Steve and he explained everything to us about financial planning and preparing for retirement. 

We agreed with him to make a complete financial plan for us. This plan was exactly what we needed.
It would set us up for the future and it was very affordable. Executing this plan would have it pay for itself tenfold easily.

All and all we now have a good bank account with a couple of months reserve, a sound investment plan that prepares us for retirement, and a clear overview of our monthly budget and spendings

And to be fair, we couldn’t have done it without Steve. We highly recommend his services.

- Ger van Hees

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